Meetings Archive 2018–2018
Below is a summary of the meetings held during the 2017–18 year.
During 2017–18 we focused on Bookhand/Foundational, which is upright alphabet with a 30 degree pen angle devised by master penman and typographer Edward Johnston in the early 20th century.
June 6, 2017
The Pressure’s On
Presented by Bill Kemp
The year of Bookhand/Foundational is coming to a close yet would not be complete without a bit of pointed pen experimentation. Members will be briefly introduced to the pointed pen and then move on to the ups and downs of creating thick and thin strokes using pressure and release directly on a provided handout. Pointed pen calligraphy produces an especially pleasing texture and offers a sound foundation for further exploration and design.
Supplies to bring:
- A Nikko G pointed nib (available for purchase at meeting, $2 each)
- An offset nib holder or straight nib holder
- A bottle of ink, with dinky-dip container
- seat cushion (for added height)
- Escribiente will supply the paper for you to use at the meeting
May 2, 2018
Bookhand Bound
Presented by Elizabeth McKee
Because Bookhand/Foundational is considered the ideal calligraphic hand for text within books, this month’s program will lead members through the process of text layout and binding.
Jan Tischold’s formulaic text block layout for successful text design layout will be discussed, followed by hands on binding. A pre-printed text block will be supplied to members for binding a simple 5-hole pamphlet stitch binding which will serve as both ‘dummy’ and instruction for future reference.
Supplies will be provided by Escribiente, but please your own bookbinding supplies if you have them.
April 4, 2018
Writing on Woven
Presented by Janice Gabel
At this month’s meeting guidelines and grid pads will be put away! Instead, members will explore the world of colorful acrylic inks and paints using nibs and brushes to write on pre-prepared canvas. This is a perfect follow-up to this year’s previous programs as Bookhand/Foundational is particularly well suited for these slower-paced letterforms. Canvas and acrylics will be provided by Escribiente.
Supplies to Bring:
- An assortment of Speedball C-series nibs or Mitchell or Brause equivalents
- Nib holder
- A 1/4” - 1/2” chisel brush if you already have one
- Acrylic inks (FW work well) if you already have some
- Water containers for mixing acrylics and rinsing nibs and brushes
- seat cushion (for added height, as the tables are very high)
March 7, 2018
Foundational Caps
Presented by Beth House
This month’s program will add a very important segment to the ever expanding Bookhand/Foundational repertoire – CAPITALS! Based on Roman proportions, these capitals are simple yet majestic in their upright, vertical stature. Members will follow a handout and will practice Foundational half and full slab serifs. Don’t miss this opportunity to complete your sentences with capitals!
Supplies to Bring:
- A pencil and pencil sharpener
- Some padding to put under lettering (i.e. blotter paper or equivalent)
- A small water container (or a wet sponge in a container) plus a few paper towels
- A Speedball C-2 nib or Mitchell or Brause equivalents
- Nib holder
- Non-waterproof ink such as Higgins Eternal
- Pad of grid paper (Bienfang 11 x 17” pad with 8x8 grid size recommended) [Amazon Prime]
- seat cushion (or two! as the tables are very high)
February 7, 2018
Big & Tiny & Tall & Short
Presented by Patty Hammarstedt
At this month’s program, members will continue exploration of Bookhand/Foundational by breaking some of the rules. Words such as ‘wispy’, ‘bolder’, ‘broad’, ‘squat’ generate varying visual images and can be individually interpreted accordingly by changing letter height, width or slope. Members will be guided through a series of exercises in altering the ‘feel’ of their letterforms using a variety of nib sizes.
Supplies to Bring:
- An assortment of Speedball C-series nibs or Mitchell or Brause equivalents
- Nib holder
- Non-waterproof ink
- Pad of Grid Paper
- seat cushion (for added height)
January 3, 2018
Board Meeting
Board meetings are held in July and January at the usual meeting location. All members are welcome to attend.
December: Holiday Potluck
Usually the first Saturday evening in December. Details and location are emailed to members. Spouses and partners welcome.
November 1, 2017
Thirty Degrees in Ink
Presented by Patty Hammarstedt and Janice Gabel
This month’s Program will delve deeper into Bookhand/Foundational with pen and ink exploration. While viewing an exemplar handout, members will be lead through the lower case alphabet with attention to the 30-degree pen angle, vertical slope, ductus of letter formation, serifs, and spacing as time allows. There will be plenty of examples on hand for more experienced members to glean inspiration from.
Supplies to Bring:
- A large broad-edged Speedball C2 nib OR Mitchel or Brause equivalents
- Nib holder
- Non-waterproof ink (Higgins Eternal is a good one)
- Translucent layout bond paper (guidesheets will be provided); any size
- Pad of grid paper
- seat cushion (for added height)
October 4, 2017
Thirty Degrees in Double Pencil
Presented by Elizabeth McKee
Things ‘get thicker’ at this month’s program as we begin our journey with the thirty-degree pen angle of Bookhand/Foundational using ‘double pencils’. The large, open letters created with these everyday tools are perfect for clarifying the hand’s exploration and eye’s visualization of Bookhand/Foundational’s lovely arched and circular letterforms. Once written, members can experiment with coloring them in for unique effects using gouache, pastel, colored pencil, watercolor colored pencil or watercolor.
Supplies to Bring:
- Two sharp pencils (2 different colored pencils would be helpful)
- a strong rubber band
- seat cushion (for added height)
- optional: some extra colored pencils
- paper and handouts will be provided
September 6, 2017
Monoline Maxim
Presented by Patty Hammarstedt
As we kick off a year of Bookhand/Foundational exploration, this month’s Program Meeting will begin with writing their pure proportions and shapes. Reviewing these elegant and dramatic letterform skeletons using monoline tools, we will set the course toward stronger and livelier writing to use with the broad edged pen. To keep it all fun, we will also set up a table of a variety of ‘crazy’ monoline tools to ‘let loose’ and experiment with.
Supplies to bring:
- A Pigma Micron pointed tip markers (02 or 03 or 05 thickness)
- A pad of grid paper that takes these markers well and doesn’t bleed
- A regular mechanical pencil
July 5, 2017
Frenetic Flourishing
Presented by Elizabeth McKee
Exemplar from the Cataneo Manuscript.
Flourishes are the non-structural embellishments added to letters. They are the marks made by calligraphers to add some zing to a page of lettering. The name comes from the same root as the word “flower.” Done well they can enhance a piece of calligraphy. Done poorly, they can kill it. Come and learn the principles of a good flourish!
While referring to handout examples, members will simultaneously practice a set of flourishes – first in the air by making large movements using the upper body and shoulder rotations, then by mark-making on large sheets of paper with a pencil and felt-tipped markers.
We will learn to: Look. Practice. Memorize. Repeat.
After the initial group practice participants will be encouraged to take off and fly on their own!
Paper will be provided.
You will need to bring:
- sharpened pencils (colored might make it more interesting but plain lead pencils are fine)
- one or two felt-tipped markers
- a pair of scissors
- masking tape