
Members and guests of Escribiente meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm. (No meetings are held in January, July and December, unless noted.)

Meeting June 2009

We feature an informative program for all levels of calligraphy with a mix of presentations and hands on projects. Everyone with an interest in creating beautiful letters is welcome to join!


Escribiente now hosts most of our programs online via Zoom. We have two workshops in the Spring and Fall (in person where possible). We also aim to host monthly meetups in person on the third Saturday from 1–3pm (check your email for location). We will miss having all our programs in person, but our members from out-of-town can now enjoy our programming and it is easier to have guest artists too! Members receive email reminders one week beforehand.

Members receive email notices for all programs and workshops.

Live Zoom meetings are open to members only. Most Zoom replays are available for to members after the meeting, although a few are for a limited time only. An edited replay may be posted to our YouTube channel after editing, provided permission is granted from the presenter.

Program: THURSDAY, March 6 @ 6:30pm * Online via Zoom

Members are encouraged to sign in at 6:15pm.

Magic Lines

Presentation by Barbara Close

*** Note that this is Thursday, one day later than normal.

Lines are in every mark we make. It may be thick or thin, up or down, side to side...but everywhere we look there are lines. Letters become lines. Images are lines in various thicknesses. Think about it – we see lines everyday in design, music, industrial, fabrics, electrical, mathematics, packaging, artwork, lettering and more. Most everything two-dimensional starts with a line.

Albert Einstein said that “Play is the highest form of Research.” We should all try it more! Have fun creating those lines. I know, I know, some of you are left-brainers and haven't really explored the right side very much. You say it’s “hard” or “I’m not creative’. I say, “oh yes you are! Everyone is creative!”

Learn more about Barbara on her website:

Program: Wednesday, April 2 @ 6:30pm * Online via Zoom

Members are encouraged to sign in at 6:15pm.

Presentation by Cindy Haller

More info to come

Program: Wednesday, May 7 @ 6:30pm * Online via Zoom

Members are encouraged to sign in at 6:15pm.

Presentation by Louise Grunewald

Program: Wednesday, June 4 @ 6:30pm * Online via Zoom

Members are encouraged to sign in at 6:15pm.

Member Quote Exchange

For our June program, we will once again exchange artwork with our fellow members. Instead of a specified quote, you may choose to letter any quote that falls under the topic of courageously breaking out of your comfort zone. A list of quotes will be provided but you are free to choose any quote whether it is on the list or not. Any format is allowable—framed pieces, books, cards, mobiles or any presentation you choose.

Members receive email notices for all programs and workshops.

Live Zoom meetings are open to members only. The Zoom replay will be available for a limited time to members after the meeting. An edited replay may be posted to our YouTube channel after editing, provided permission is granted from the presenter.

Upcoming events – please check your email for more details!

Third Saturday of most months: In-person meetup at Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

View previous programs from 2024–2025 Meetings Archive page.